Premian. Consultancy
We offer the most suitable tools to help companies to evolve. The clients of Premian develop behaviors that lead faster to healthy results.
We adapt depending on our clients. We simplify.
We respect the commitments we make to our clients and team mates.
We have fun: we respect, smile and celebrate successes.
We evolve every day.
17+ personalized training and assessment tools for sales and management teams
5+ industries in which we have implemented projects for medium and large companies: distribution, IT, services, production, consultancy, retail and Non-Governmental Organizations.

Nicu Severin Sânzianu
As an entrepreneur, together with a team of 28+ colleagues, I have administrated budgets of 10+ millions of euro for our client. I have increased the sales with 40%+ from one year to another per unit of business and I have implemented personalized training and assessment projects for medium and large companies from 5+ industries.
As an employee, together with a team of 21 colleagues, I have raised the number of permanent clients with 80% in one year. I have implemented and controlled the training plan monthly in order to achieve the objectives of the training department for 948 colleagues from 73 work places in 7 counties. I have organized specialized training sessions on the national level, in 3 locations simultaneously, for 783 colleagues from 515 work places from all the counties of Romania. I have prepared the materials, delivered the training sessions, coordinated the trainers and monitored the results.
As a volunteer I have raised founding for 6+ local and national events. I have helped with organizing 2 local events and 1 national event that had 300+ participants.
The Partners
Every project’s team of trainers and consultants is designed considering the client’s needs. The increase in our clients’ competencies average is 36,46% for sales and 68,43% for the managers.
Our approach for trainings is well documented, structured and based on the adult learning principles:
- With control of quality;
- Repeatable;
- Predictable;
- Follows a standard system. The algorithm was created based on the results found by researchers regarding the best practices to bring results;
- The Premian partners meet periodically to update and check if they follow the same directions in terms of strategy.
The consultants and trainers that we collaborate with are specialists on the following areas: recruiting, evaluation, training and consultancy for sales, management consultancy and strategic planning and organizational analysis.
We are connected to the worldwide training industry. We use the structure based on the adult learning principles and we personalize it according to the industry and the client.
We deliver the best advanced trainings for the sales and management teams.
We help the sales teams to increase remarkably their performance through trainings, coaching and consultancy.
The “specialty of the house” is the advanced programs of sales and leadership trainings for companies that want high achiever team mates.
We transform the management teams into teams of leaders through training, coaching and a program of leadership consultancy that lasts between 3 and 12 months.
Why Premian?
Our training programs are realistic. We avoid speaking “the trainer language” and we focus on communicating in a way that participants understand better.
We know the reality is different from what we desire so we focus on real cases.
Through engaging the participants in role play games that will help them in the everyday life.
How many times have your colleagues had to deal with an angry customer that complained about the delivery of your services and did not have the appropriate behavior given the circumstance? The Premian trainers have practical experience with this sort of situations and can help finding solutions for the challenge your company is dealing with at the moment.
We personalize our programs for every customer we have. We do so by adjusting the training depending on your challenge, in order to bring solutions for it.
By participating to the Premian training programs, your colleagues will improve the behaviors they are aware of. In this way you will contribute to implementing the strategy of your company.
After meeting with you our team will know what your challenges are. This will lead to personalizing the course you desire.
A personalized training for a client from the automotive industry and one for a client from the distribution industry will be different, even though the participants might have the same positions.
Our trainings are interactive and built on free discussions, role play, presentations, analysis and feedback. The participants have the possibility to share experiences with their colleagues or they can work in teams.
The adults prefer to participate to exercises that:
-are practical and challenging;
-make use of their knowledge;
-showcase their experience.
The Premian team:
-talks to the participants and helps them discover new information sources;
-anticipates problems and offers solutions for overcoming them;
-uses summaries and examples to connect the theoretical part to the practical one;
-offers to the participants quality and experience that will help with organizing the time in an efficient and effective way.
Our programs are structured in such a way that the training can achieve the planned results and please the participants also. After delivering we want to have a “WOW” effect on people. In other words, we want our participants to apply what we teach them in their working place starting from that day.
If one of the participants does not rely on the trainer for him/her the time spent at the training can be considered wasted.
Over the 8 years of existence of Premian, we have noticed some things that the participants pay attention to. All we need to do is to use those key points in our training programs.
How many times did it happen to you that, at the end of the day, you felt like you did nothing the whole day and that the e-mails are countless. A way to deal with this is to learn how to define objectives, prioritize and delegate tasks efficiently.
Our presentations consist mainly of key words and illustrations that express the ideas we want to transmit. The purpose of making the presentation fun is to keep the participants focused and improve their behavior in a pleasant way.
We respect everyone’s time so why wouldn’t we have a win-win relationship between the trainer and the participants? In this way we will both achieve our objectives.
By using role play, group discussions and case studies that will keep the participants focused.
The Premian trainers know when it’s fun time and when it’s not. We have a friendly attitude, which is why our conversations are based on communicating new things and smiles.
Opened Courses:
What Positions to Adopt During a Negotiation – Negotiation Workshop
Bucharest, Iași
Locuri: 50